A survey showed that more than 80% of patients agreed that their mental health conditions had had a detrimental effect on their family. Mental health issues can be an extremely painful and traumatic time for all of the family and have huge impact on a family’s financial and emotional components. An increasing body of research demonstrates that negative family relationships can cause stress, impact mental health and even cause physical symptoms. Research has demonstrated that non-supportive families can detract from someone’s mental health and or cause a mental illness to worsen. What does good mental health look like? Good mental health is characterized by a person’s ability to fulfill a number of key functions and activities, including: the ability to learn. The ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions. The ability to form and maintain good relationships with others. What is needed for good mental health? Activity and exercise are essential in maintaining good mental health. Being active not only gives you a sense of achievement, but it boosts the chemicals in your brain that help put you in a good mood. Exercising can help eliminate low mood, anxiety, stress and feeling tired and lazy

What is poor mental health? Simply put, this is when our mental health is not what we would want it to be. Finding it difficult to manage how we think, feel, act with respect to daily stresses could be a sign of poor mental health. Having continuous episodes of mental ill health could indicate a problem. What are the 5 signs of mental illness?
Five Warning Signs of Mental Illness • Long-lasting sadness or irritability. • Extremely high and low moods. • Excessive fear, worry, or anxiety. • Social withdrawal. • Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits. How do families deal with mental illness?

How You Can Empower Yourself
1. Acknowledge that you have a family member with a mental illness and how it affects you. … 2. Develop new ways of taking care of yourself. … 3. Develop new ways of relating to others. … 4. Educate yourself about your family member’s illness. … 5. Consider seeing a mental health professional yourself. What is the best treatment for mental illness? Psychotherapy is the therapeutic treatment of mental illness provided by a trained mental health professional. Psychotherapy explores thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and seeks to improve an individual’s well-being. Psychotherapy paired with medication is the most effective way to promote
How does mental health affect you emotionally? They can lead to feelings of isolation and, in severe situations, result in people self-harming or having suicidal thoughts. they forget the emotional impact.” The impact of a mental health problem can be as important as a physical health condition.
How can I be mentally tough? 

5 Ways to become more MENTALLY TOUGH
1. Do the hard things first. Pick your weakest spot and work on it first every practice. … 2. Be specific. If you want to work on upper body strength, write down the specific number of push-ups you will do. … 3. Be accountable. … 4. Deal with problems. … 5. Guard your thoughts.
How can I improve my mental health and emotions?
There are many ways to improve or maintain good emotional health. 1. Be aware of your emotions and reactions. … 2. Express your feelings in appropriate ways. … 3. Think before you act. … 4. Manage stress. … 5. Strive for balance. … 6. Take care of your physical health. … 7. Connect with others. … 8. Find purpose and meaning.



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  1. What happens in a situation where the family member with emotional challenge has affected one or more family members?

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